Unity Apps run well in desktop, but fails on devices

I recently worked with several development groups and found that some junior programmers frequently complain as follows:

The app works well on desktop (unity editor’s game and scene view), but it crashes or fails to function when the app is deployed on Android or iPhone devices 


Continue reading “Unity Apps run well in desktop, but fails on devices”

QCAR Vuforia: The library libVuforia.so could not be loaded

If you are building Augmented Reality applications for Android apps, Vuforia or QCAR might be one of the very useful library. However, you might also encounter the below warnings in logcat window, as shown below

The library libVuforia.so could not be loaded


There are several workarounds to troubleshoot this:

Continue reading “QCAR Vuforia: The library libVuforia.so could not be loaded”

VirutalBox: VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED cannot mount guest additions iso

After installing VirtualBox in windows, and if you use Menu > Devices > Install Guest Additions, most probably you might encounter the below errors:


“Unable to mount the CD/DVD image
Could not mount the media/drive VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED)”

A simple solution is to open a terminal in Ubuntu, and then type below command:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso

SolidWorks API: Loading/getting Simulation (CosmosWorks) object, failure?

As the SolidWorks 2009 Simulation API help states, the typical use of Cosmos Works begins by creating an instance of the ICosmosWorks class:

private object iCosWorks = null;
iCosWorks = (ICosmosWorks) SwApp.GetAddInObject(“CosmosWorks.CosmosWorks”);

Continue reading “SolidWorks API: Loading/getting Simulation (CosmosWorks) object, failure?”